(252) 261-6664


Looking for the right tools to help you make an informed decision about Buying, Selling or Owning on the Outer Banks?

Our Investment Guide is the result of Outer Banks leading Realtors’ experience in working with the developers of communities such as Pine Island, The Currituck Club & Four Seasons in Duck. Our Realtors own several investment properties themselves, so they understand how it works- both personally and professionally-this experience and insight is passed directly along to you!


Communities in Duck

Click Here to download the pdf (116k) which shows area communities, including Four Seasons in Duck, Duck Landing, SeaPines, Carolina Dunes, Sanderling and highlights each community’s amenities.

Communities in Corolla

Click Here to download the pdf (141k) which shows area communities, including Pine Island, Corolla Light, The Currituck Club, The Villages at Ocean Hill and highlights each community’s amenities.

Outer Banks Street Map

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Click Here to begin your search for Outer Banks Real Estate Using our FREE MAP showing the location of properties for sale.

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